Wednesday, February 08, 2006

KLIM training log

I was just looking through my KLIM training log and even though it's nothing to really shout about, I am quite happy to have managed in getting this far considering my various committments and not to mention that I am still relatively new to the running scene.

Many looking at my
My KLIM 2006 training log might be of the opinion that my training is highly insufficient. I was looking through Bob Glover's suggested training program for beginner marathoners and I find that I am not far of from his recommendations.

At this juncture, there is no real point in looking at one's mileage and saying that we are sorely lacking, instead as
Jamie nicely put it, we should be confident that we have trained well (even if we have not). I strongly believe that I will be ready for a good performance in my debut marathon!

Besides putting in all the mileage and training that I could, I have been taking in all the advice possible from other experienced marathoners and have also been doing a lot of reading. All this has helped me understand the other 'little' but very important things one should remember while gearing up to the marathon like a proper diet, carbo loading, hydrating and sufficient rest.

Many have asked me 'WHY' I decided to train and participate in a marathon? To them the type of strenuous training they see me going through is mind boggling. To me however it has become really an enjoyable experience, one which I would not want to exchange for anything. I just tell them 'the very fact that it is extremely challenging is the reason I want to do it'.

In his book 'The Competitive Runners Handbook', Bob Glover put it very nicely when addressing why many people want to run their first marathon. He said "The glamour and tradition of 'the classic distance' captures the imagination. It's 'there', like the highest mountain to climb. The marathon is larger than life, having a profound impact on all those who meet its rigorous training and racing demands. Finishing a marathon proves you can set a lofty goal and achieve it. It gives you the confidence to take risks and make important changes in other aspects of your life".

While training and struggling through the pain at times, I try to capture the image of me completing 'that classic distance' for the first time. This helps me stay focused and keep going. With just less than four weeks to go I am still feeling good and have not doubted for one moment my decision to run a marathon. I look back at the day some seven months ago when I could barely run for 10 minutes and tell myself that it is truly worth it.

1 comment:

Jamie Pang said...

in less than 1 mth you'll see that it's all worth it! keep it up!