Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Decent mileage

I've told myself I need to clock in some decent mileage over the next two weeks and put aside all excuses. Yesterday I managed to leave office early and was home before 7pm. By the time I started running it was just after 7.

I decided to do a marathon paced run of about 15k. I started at a really conservative pace as I would be doing in the marathon and picked up the pace slightly towards the end. Total distance covered - 15k, Appx time - 1h38m.

My New Balance shoes are really starting to pale in comparison with my pair of Nike which have become really nice to run in. The shoes felt really stiff and slightly uncomfortable yesterday. The New Balance socks are of no help either, and I ended up with a blister on my right foot. This reaffirmed my thoughts about sticking to the worn out, cheap socks!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great site »