It's been more than one year since I took part in any running event besides the Pacemakers event. This was going to be my comeback race, in preparation for my Penang Bridge marathon... yes...yes... I've signed up for the 42km! Well I did not anticipate any good time for this race, plus with some hills involved, I was geared up for a slow 65min run.
Reached there by 7am, but found it really hard to get a car park. After taking one big loop behind the courthouse and back in front of the padang, I found one spot just next to the mainroad and quickly grabbed it. Took me awhile to figure out where this church was that they were waiting at but I eventually met up with Jue and the rest and got my bib.
As I was out to enjoy the race, I started right at the back of the pack which was a mistake because it took almost 2km before I could weave my way out of the crowded pack. I was just running an easy pace at first and only picked up the pace at the second water station. The organiser did a great job with providing plenty of water throughout the course.
Overall I maintained a steady pace until reaching the turnoff to the Parliment where I started to pick up the pace a little all and maintained it all the way to the finish to complete in 57:24 which I was pleasantly surprised with. This is an indication of my current fitness level and will help me tailor my training for the PB marathon accordingly. I must say the organiser did a great job especially with the cheerleader and music at the last 1km giving us a really cheery and inspiring atmosphere. Traffic control was also great!